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The corona-virus pandemic has disrupted the lives of so many people across the world—the effects ranging from health, economic, social and psychological crisis. In Kenya,...
Step A bacteria kill half a million a year. Why don’t we have a vaccine?
Strep A is among the deadliest pathogens in the world – yet we’ve never prioritised making a vaccine. Emily Sohn uncovers the cost of ignoring...
All Coronavirus Cases in Africa
Africa cases of the pandemic coronavirus continue to rise. At least 42 of Africa 54 countries are now affected. Uganda, Eritrea and Angola are the...
Myths and Misconception on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Myth is a widely held but false belief or idea, whereas misconception views or opinions that are incorrect based on faulty thinking or understanding. In...
Stroke and its treatment – Kenyan scenario
Stroke is the most deliberating disease in the world which makes the survivors limited for living their life with fulfilled commitments. Every 6 second someone...
The opioid epidemic you haven’t heard about
Ayao* is a tall and well-built 15-year-old, and like many his age, he is very particular about his appearance. He wears a white T-shirt with...